Editorial Board
Journal of Complementary Medicine is honoured to have
the following people on its Editorial Board:
Alan Bensoussan, PhD, MSc(Res), BSc, DipEd,
DipAc, AdvCAc, Director, Centre for Complementary Medicine
Research, Head, Chinese Medicine Unit, University of Western
Sydney; Director, CompleMED
Lesley Braun, BPharm, DipAppSci, ND, GradDipPhyto, is a PhD candidate at RMIT University
Prof Marc Cohen, MB BS, BMedSci, PhD, FAMAS, Founding
Head, Department of Complementary Medicine, Royal Melbourne
Institute of Technology University; President, Australasian
Integrative Medicine Association; Founding Director, Centre
for Complementary Medicine, Monash Institute of Health
Services Research, Monash University; President, Healing
Arts Community Network
Assoc Prof David Colquhoun, MB BS, FRACP,
Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of Queensland; cardiologist, Wesley
Medical Centre, Brisbane; Medical Director, Core Research
Dr Nick Goodman, MB BS, DCH, MFHom, FACNEM, Secretary,
Australian Medical Fellowship of Homeopathy; Director,
Australian Register of Homoeopaths Ltd
Dr Vicki Kotsirilos, FACNEM, MB BS, DipHerbMed, Foundation
Board and Advisory Board Member, Graduate School of Integrative
Medicine, Swinburne University; Founding President and
Honorary Life Board Member, Australasian Integrative Medicine
Association; Member, Victorian AMA Council; Member, TGA
Complementary Medicines Evaluation Committee; Member, HIC
Professional Services Review Panel
Dr Robert Longmore, BSc, MSc, PhD, Adjunct Assoc Professor,
School of Pharmacy, Curtin University of Technology; Examiner,
Oceanic Institute of Classical Homoeopathy; Director, Fennlee
Pty; Proprietor, Blackwood River Phytopharm
Prof Stephen
Myers, PhD, BMed, ND, Director, Australian
Centre for Complementary Medicine Education and Research;
Director, Post Graduate Studies, School of Natural and
Complementary Medicine, Southern Cross University; Member,
Complementary Medicine Evaluation Committee, Office of
Complementary Medicines, Therapeutic Goods Association
Paul Orrock, RN, ND, DBM, DO, Senior Lecturer and Head,
School of Natural and Complementary Medicine, Southern
Cross University; Member, Osteopathic Research Council
Prof Kerryn Phelps, MB BS, FRACGP, FAMA, Adjunct Professor,
School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Sydney; Director, Prostate Cancer Board, Colorectal
Foundation; Consultant, Johnson & Johnson, (Metagenics)
Health World, Janssen–Cilag, Australian Computer
Prof Basil
Roufogalis, BPharm, MPharm, PhD, DSc, Professor
of Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Executive Director, Herbal
Medicines Research and Education Centre, Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Sydney; Board Member, UCOM2
Prof Avni Sali, MB BS, PhD, FRACS, FACS, FACNEM, Foundation
Head, Graduate School of Integrative Medicine, Swinburne
University of Technology; Executive Council Member and
Vice-President, International Council of Integrative Medicine;
Australian and New Zealand Representative, World Digestive
Surgery Society; Director, Victorian Public Health Research
and Education Council; Member, Complementary Healthcare
Consultative Forum; President, Gawler Foundation; Vice-President
and Board Member, Australasian Integrative Medicine Association;
Member, Centre for Change Executive; Board Member, Swinburne
University Hospital; Honorary Patron, Cancer Natural Therapy
Foundation; Patron, Australians for International Mental
Assoc Prof
Samir Samman, PhD, BSc, Human Nutrition Unit,
School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences, University
of Sydney; Honorary Research Associate, Department of Biochemistry,
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Dr Melvyn Sydney-Smith, MB
BS, PhD, MHMS (prov), GradDipClinNutrit, FACNEM, KGSJ,
Adjunct Assoc Prof, School of Health, University
of New England;
Director, Australian College of Holistic Medicine
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